I talked to her the other day, and we remnisced about those old wonderful days and laughed at how we believed that every dirty joke we made would make our pubic hair grow one at a time/per joke. No, we didn't particularly like growing up that way. But it was beautiful and we are still close to each other's minds and hearts, despite all the distant years, the boyfriends and other things that got in the way during those years.
I love you Lisa. thank you for being such a wonderful friend.

And we are all there! Lisa, Lena, Silvia, Theresa. And I think of Caspar a lot, too, and Kamal for some reason and Christian. And Jolanda and Annabelle and Anna-Lisa.....But you four are those that remain for real. I can't get over you and I hope I never will. I love you. :) I dedicate one of my songs to you . This is me and my guitar in Venice Beach. I am very startled about the fact that I am actually here. With my guitar. Learning playing the guitar. It was somewhat unexpected in my life plans. Weird. But that's it and I am glad I did. I have had wonderful experiences here and I've met beautiful people here too. Even though I am very spoiled by you guys. Having such beautiful REAL friends, such as you, makes it more difficult to find really good friends else where. But I am glad I did find two or three friends where ever I went after our time and especially here too, who fulfil those difficult prerequisites that you set up way back in the days ;-))
How we thought we could save the world....