Wednesday, June 13, 2007

it came sneaking up from behind. without a surprise.

Hey, out there!
I know now, finally, what the name is of that mysterious profession I always wondered about. Since I was a kid I felt that there was that thing I was meant to do, I used to be freaked out at the thought of doing the wrong thing, scared I would miss that thing I felt I had to do. I never could think of a damn porfession, vocation, that would pinpoint that feeling...
Until recently....I suddenly realized it had been in front of my nose ALL THE TIME...except for I kept searching for it beyond the horizons...
Since it's no fun to be all blunt and unmysterious I just say so much and you guys can guess what it is!
It will be fun to read what you think it is I was meant to do in life :) LOL


Kelly said...

I had guessed storyteller.

Cyl said...

Being a multicoloured bunch of flowers?

No, serious... You become a teacher? Giving you a chance to share all your emotions?

Ich wette: Lehrerin....