You told me once, i remember even where you stood saying this, that sometimes in life you have to choose between love and life. I was going to chose love I guess but somehow I wounded up with life here....
And it too, is beautiful, my love:

Thinking about this, however, I found this only to be half true, because for some reason life and love has never really been two different things for me. Life has always been intrinsically connected to love and vice versa. I remember walking down the street to Buehlers in my little black forest hometown, I was maybe 12 or so and I suddenly had this overwhelming feeling that my love for this earth and for this life expanded so much that I felt the whole earth ball under my feet and I lay down in the grass, with my face down to the ground and hugged aned embraced the whole planet with my whole heart. And I always loved the whole world and in the same time little details like little flowers at the curb or the beautiful details of a saddle...

I think I know though what you meant. Love between a man and a woman is special, it is not this unconditional general kind of love. It is more specific and being with a person demands at times sacrifices in your lifestyle or even in the direction you thought your life would take, professionally or socially.
The best example for this is the princess who falls in love with the poor man and decides to live a life in poverty but in love with him.
I totally would do that.

But then too, I think and feel that God wouldn't give us a mission in life and a man/woman that doesn't match it. Before we really know our mission in life, however, we have to grow up.

So do you. And I wish you good luck and love with that. I wish that you, too, can love and live. Nothing's been lost. Literally nothing. Some possibilities maybe, maybe a child, but in the same time there are so many new possibilities and so many new children that are waiting... We are not the one's to judge, we are the one's to live and love the best we can and to become free in our spirit from the tyranny of body and mind... :)) Oh, and horsebackriding, did I say that already, is a really good way of training this discipline...

'On the road again, at the break of time, our precious little things, companions on our way, crossing borders we are free, to travel as we please, create a sense of time, whereever we may go, for we are travelling people, forever on the move, lalalalalala, lalalalala. I am telling you, freedom is a pleasure song, I am telling you, freedom is a pleasure song. ...'
This song I heard so many mornings when we went on trips with our class and my teacher would wake us up with the accordeon..... So many things I wish you had heard and seen and lived, too... with me :) But it is all good because...you know love isn't restricted to space nor time...this is for you too:

and this:

yes I wished you could have been there, but somehow you maybe are....anyways!
At the horse farm...

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