Or so I thought. As always in life, it all turned out differently...
I spent the last couple of days with my beloved oldest aunt from Alaska. Amazing wonder woman. Sometimes I think my Mom is here, makes me miss her more and love her more and for some reason I start to get to know my MOM in a new way, because I get to know her sister!
It is fun-tastic. She is my birdy-aunt. I can relate! And we are spinning a lot of stories, it is incredibly inspiring and it does change a lot inside myself. Well, oh well, maybe it wasn't my little voice that I needed to hear but hers!!!!

So I am in Santa Barbara, in the triangle that is called 'the paradise'. This is how you get up here, when you take the pacific coast highway:

Isn't it just in-cre-di-ble!

So although I really talk a LOT just about everything with my gorgeous awesome aunt, I also WALK a lot at the beach and enjoy the sun and the full moon reflecting in the eternally crashing waves... they crash the same way, you know, as they did back when Homer wrote or told the Odysee!

So yesterday was full moon and my aunt and my cousins' daugther and I ran to the beach to be silly and fullmoony. Sang songs and danced in the sand... and there was a dad with his two kids who was fishing, and he just caught a fish when we arrived and we asked him whether he eats them or puts them back into the water and he said, oh well, we put them back, we don't know how good they taste! My Alaskan aunt just stared at me, (she is 64 but totally doesn't seem like that! or if so, just in the perfect positive sense) and suddenly she mumbled 'straaange!' and started giggeling and we had to run away because it was so hilarious and funny.

And when I came back from an extremely long walk today, during which I realized that my oldest sister is incredibly admirable and amazing in what she is doing and accomplishing with my niece's career I saw a seal on a rock!!! I haven't seen seals around here yet! Oh! so pretty!!!!!!! And I met Alissa and Kimberly, two adorable girls, half Italian, half American and Alissa helped me paint my aquarell painting and Kimberly was amazing in doing acrobatics with me~! I just LOVE kids. And I am just so helplessly un-business-savy, it's sad, almost. I could have probably pitched myself as a great nanny, and give them my number, i mean, who knows, they are probably filthy rich St. Barbarians! But i didn't because somehow I don't like doing it. WHATEVER! It was so much FUN!

and on the way back I saw all those birds... and I was just...

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