this song makes me feel good, and i guess it's more the sound than the lyrics that makes me so heppy, but after looking the lyrics up i found them to be really - err, nice :)
my second day as a nanny passed and you will soon get the update about THAT! I have to really COME TO TERMS with that whole thing, so I wait until my first day frustration has settled. the second day was already better and i didn't choke or throw up or start screaming when the lady told me in all earnesty that the two carpets in the 'living room' (looks more like a *uhm* museum room, but OH WELL!) are worth like 'literally two cars!'
okay but the boys are sweeties. and waldorf kids, i.e. they are very easy to play with. no jumping around from one thing to the next every minute. they actually can sit down and DO and PLAY something for a loooong time.
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