since the cafe across the street burnt down i am more and more to be found at the cafe solar. it has free internet access and i can do my online-german lessons there without any problems. kinda nice atmosphere except for all those busy laptop/powerbook people get on my nevers *laugh* since I am one of them I can say that we all suck. WHATEVER. I actually get more annoyed nowadays by people like me who always think they have to be annoyed by someone. chit-chatting on how much other people suck. It's like, doh, what ever mofo, just mind your own business. There is this guy for example, who has a crush on a very good friend of mine and he is totally judgemental on the guys she likes. Whereas this is totally understandable I still hate how he arrogantly notes, that this guy is changing his style to fit into which ever scene he tries to fit in. It's like whatever, let people go through their phases. Who cares that you guys are the same age and that you went through that years ago. Who cares? Does she like you? No! So, either she is not on your level yet and what would you want with her then...huh?
oh i am rambling. sorry.

so I had a really good time with my gorgelicious Amanda... I don't have pics of me and Klodi yet, but as soon as I have them I'll post them....until then, here some pics of our horsebackriding and beach adventures!~

oh there was a rainbow adventure too. we had to kiss this guy, since he was going to marry the next day.... and Jacob was really pissed that they let Amanda in although she isn't 21 either but, hey, she has tits!~!! lol. the world is injust and tittie-cramtion is not fair either but a reality... especially in Hollywood.

oh and we went to this exhibition at this galery where Amanda will exhibit her paintings *argh i m so jealous!* and met this guy who took all those iconic rock photographies...

and then i took my niece and my nephew and amanda and my niece's friend horsebackriding since my German student invited me to pay for me instead of paying for a lesson.... life is good like that!!! I love LOVE love horse back riding! It is such a good excercise of will, discipline, since the horses really react and feel immediately what you think, feel etc. and I love to be in Nature but everybody should know that by now~!!!

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