Saturday, June 23, 2007

people like you and me

usually we talk about shit that happened in the past, that might happen in the future, and the funny thing is when i remember right now what we did, it was talking.

aristotles was right.
when do we ever talk about something truly innovative, something that matters, something that is not just digestive?

and more important than that...when do we ever walk or our talk?
i mean....that would suck maybe.
doing something meaningful other than sitting around?


Wednesday, June 13, 2007

it came sneaking up from behind. without a surprise.

Hey, out there!
I know now, finally, what the name is of that mysterious profession I always wondered about. Since I was a kid I felt that there was that thing I was meant to do, I used to be freaked out at the thought of doing the wrong thing, scared I would miss that thing I felt I had to do. I never could think of a damn porfession, vocation, that would pinpoint that feeling...
Until recently....I suddenly realized it had been in front of my nose ALL THE TIME...except for I kept searching for it beyond the horizons...
Since it's no fun to be all blunt and unmysterious I just say so much and you guys can guess what it is!
It will be fun to read what you think it is I was meant to do in life :) LOL