Sunday, May 22, 2005

russian mafia

These are dope girls. I am chief editor of our yearbook now, cuz nobody would go for it. Sure, its always the same nerds. no, probably fools, who take initiative in the end. Well I know this since a long time and I am okay with it. The former team was a bit lame, or yeah, just ineffective as S. is too 'official'. You know what I mean. This 'we do it right' type of girl. The last newspaper that we issued here in ECLA was under her charge and she did not publish my text cuz it did not 'fit' in to the whole. Whatever that means. tztz.
Well, as I couldn't see us getting anywhere I decided in a rainy night I would bribe the russian mafia to join me doing the yearbook, forming the editorial department with me. hehe

and it's dope! I told them I don't want to have it so tidy and official as it was before and I want a creative-crazy-lunatic-bunch of chaots to let the yearbook rock us!
They immediately agreed cuz I made it sound really cool haha, and now we are pulling it off in about 4 weeks yeah!. Today we had our second meeting and gosh, I haven't had such a laugh in a long time. They are crazy girls from all over the former Soviet Union, communicating in Russian and drinking so much alcohol that I am sure they could compete with any guys around here. I mean, around here in Berlin! They are always hanging out together, always talking in Rrrrussian, always very loud and talkative and funny. I called them Russian Mafia from the very beginning and now it is a common term here on Campus lol. I didn't know back then, that it would help me eventually so much in convincing them to join the team....



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