Wednesday, May 10, 2006

follow up

it was this morning...
she left and the sun was shining
and the palm trees were sweet like always so blue in the sky
and ..
she left..
but i dried my tears now and in this moment, when we were there, it was so weird how aware I became of all the precious moments together... these were the good old days right there wifie!!!

so here the follow up to the last poem that i wrote apparently...

you lose track of me
and then you bark
like an angry small dog
and frown your teeth
while i'm trying
to find the keys and get back in.
feeling sick
like an old radio -
switch the light on

you look like a warrior
in your pretty tourquoiseteors
and your lips
and your hair
and your fingertips
and your flaming into the sky.

and to be honest, i have no idea, or wait, i do, it was about the dude you lived with klodi, you know who! i mean the first part of the poem......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.