my dear brother was visiting me the last few days. man how i love him!
he s really the cutest guy ever.+
yesteerday night I skipped playwrite classes and went with him to Potsdamer platz to watch a movie. We first had asian dinner which was damn yummy :) and ate too much icecream lol, - and then watched "The Interpreter" with Nicole Kidman and Sean Penn. It was pretty good. However, I don't know whether this is due to my 'I-can't-stand-anything-too-romantic' attitude or sth other people would also think it to be a bit too clichee and sentimental in some scenes, - at any rate, sometimes it was a bit too obvious and not subtle enough for me.
But, at least, there was NO hollywood kiss whatsoever! cool, ha! And Nicole Kidman is really a great actress, no matter what! And the plot interesting enough and also sometimes not too predictable. lol.
The topic was also quite interesting. UN, sure, that this attracted me in the first place. It was filmed in the original UN buildings and imagining that one day maybe I would be sitting there, too, discussing and working - really excited me. On the other hand I already started doubting such thoughts.
I mean, I know too little about the UN to really be able to say anything about it, but I think in the end I am still interested in more effective ways of changing something.
And, yes, I am still idealistic .... lol
I very much hope that I won't lose this idealism either. Simone Weil wrote something about that...In her introduction to politics i think...something like it is easy and more popular to be realistic. It is more difficult to be an idealist, though, in these times...
So I am still wondering whether I ll finally go for arts (films), economics (associative economics) (entrepreneurship) or law...
Law really holds the most subsequent opportunities for me. I could go either into economics or just be a very independent artist. Or, really, a lawyer. But I hate the thought of making too many compromises. Don't know how my reality would look like then. Whether I'd become brainwashed too or not. We all think we d be immune to that. But I really doub THAT. Still I am so interested in it. My new idea is to go for the American way of doing it and do a major in history/sociology/philosophy, take some pre-law classes and then go to lawschool for three years. The whole point of studying law for 6 years here in Europe is really that you can decide and specialize later after having done all the different things. I, however, already know what I'd specialize in: Human Rights, International Law. European Law would be interesting, too, and maybe a good option. But I really feel I wanna do something on an international level. So that'd be it. ;-)
Jack Johnson or Ben Harper really give hope regarding artists in some ways. I mean Jewel did that in some ways too. Much to the disappo9intment of many of her fans though she explored her possibilities as an artist with her means in a way that seemed quite absorbed by the consumers and blingbling attitude. It was meant as a CRITICISM, but it was done in a way that only allowed already critical minds to see that...I think that was okay, though. I mean I know her to some extend and I know she will stay true to herself. Whatever that means lol.
But Jack Johnson or Ben Harper or Meshell N'dgeshello really show that genuine music, genuine artists still are in request and that they can do lots to help and make a difference. I wish I could join them. I have no clue. Someone has to open me up...I think....I lost the key somehow..... But I really hope that in L.A. I will get a professional kick in the ass in terms of guitar playing so maybe that will help me....
I really hope that Q'orianka won't drown in that glitter-glamour world of Hollywood. She was now in the People's Magazine among the 50 most beautiful people. It's kind of exciting that I'll be around and help her as soon as promotion starts in September. The movie will be out in November...I really hope I can give her some emotional back up though...She is a great actress and singer but she needs something to hold on to....
So thats it so far. I ll try to find out more about the UN so i can say more about it later....
be true always always!!!
with love and many questions
it's now the second time that i come across your webpage, the first time that I really read some - ähm.. actually you wrote nearly a book - public parts of your life. it is quite exciting to be a stalker.. ;-) now, your lines about the thoughts and the doubts about your decision making caught me and made me now to write a comment.. somehow you think you are alone with this feeling and the doubts, the cleverness to keep everything open for the future and getting lost in trying to chose the right one out of those endless possibilities which are offered to you.. you start doubting yourself and wonder what's wrong with you.. I had exactly the same downing thoughts and feelings a couple of days ago.. than I find the new issue of NEON, the first one since a while, in my postbox "Gefällt dir dein Leben? Liebe, Beruf, Ideale - warum wir s früh eine erste Bilanz ziehen" .. "Hundert verschiedene Studiengänge, eine noch höhere Zahl möglicher Sexualpartner, ein Jahrmarkt der Lebensmodelle, Weltanschauungen und Geschmäcker - von der richtigen Automarke bis zur Antwort auf Sinnfrage ist alles offen" .. "Und so leben wir im Taumel scheinbar unbegrenzter Möglichkeiten mehre Leben auf Probe." "Fixeophobie - Die Angst vor dem Festgelegewerden, die Angst vor dem Verlust von Optionen. [..] So sehr wir uns nach einem Ende der Beliebigkeit sehnen, so sehr fürchten wir uns." and so on.. yeah.. sounds great.. back to my theory.. life would be a lot better when you stay stupid, just get a job, wife and children.. slow down, back to the basics.. but what would you miss out? maybe just this question..
when can i get a session with you, sweet doctor????
I am just fantazising bout myself, laying down on your couch, you smokin a cigarre (you'd ask me if it botheres me, sure) and asking me questions.
and leading me to answers.
i really would love that
don't forget the dash irony.. ;)
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